Friday, February 26, 2010

Feline Fridays

My poor neglected first "child"... Royboy. The most handsome tabby I've ever known. I feel so bad for this kitty. Before children he was spoiled rotten. He had new toys every few months, treats, climbing toys... now he's lucky if I remember to buy a new catnip toy every 2 years. Kitty gym? given away and never replaced. Treats? Nope... too fat now. I still love him, despite the fact that he won't cover his poo, begs for water out of the tub while getting cat litter in it, and now drinks out of the toilet. He's my big huggable fatty!

3 comments: said...

Poor pets, right? My daughter thinks our cats are HER cats and the poor things have finally succombed to the pressure; they now follow her around and let her carry them in blankets and dress them in bonnets...

Kate said...

I do feel sorry for them... Though this particular cat is hard to feel sorry for. he's so lazy, he won't run away from the kids who give him "love", tail pulling. Bonnets... hee hee hee!!

Holly said...

I love the picture of that cat! I worry for the day our Sir Winston has to share the apartment with a mini-human.