Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Defending Our Territory

So I have debated putting these sorts of photos on my blog in fear that my mothering skills will be criticized. My daughter, like the cats, is in love with the windowsill. She would spend all day, every day perched up there with books and snacks if I let her. Once in awhile I do, when I am particularly tired, only to get her down to change diapers or for meals.

Occasionally Jordan will share her space with Royboy... but as a general rule the windowsill is Jordan Territory. Today we had friends over, and as a precaution, Jordan spent much of the playdate at ... you guessed it... the windowsill. To be fair, she did take a break to guard her books on the bookshelf and to eat lunch. The playdate went well, both toddlers played in opposite areas of the apartment until after lunch. Then blood got spilled. Unfortunately for the other toddler, Jordan felt her space was being invaded and "dropped" a book on the unsuspecting toddler. I would like to think this was an accident, but my better judgement says that Jordan did it on purpose. My deepest apologies to the bleeding toddler and the mom!!


Surviver for now said...

ok kate those are great pics your parenting is just as good as the next moms

Dani said...

My mom's neighbor across the street has two young girls (about 4 and 7), she battled to keep the cats and girls out of the big bay window. Now, years later, all you see in her window is pillows and cats and the girls!

Boo said...

I've said it before but I will say it again. I just don't see why this sitting in the window thing could possibly make anyone think you're a bad Mum. Whats so terrible about having a toddler who likes to watch the world go by outside??

michelle lynn said...

I gladly welcome any and all things Caleb will do that does not directly involve me ;) Currently, one of the only things he will do by himself is play on the sink. But hey, they do have water tables at preschool, so it has to be good for something, right? My friend blogged with all 3 of her little girls in chairs sitting at the patio window watching snow fall, and said 'it's amazing what the girls are interested in when they don't have a tv to watch constantly'