Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My Mother's Day Present

Here is a photo of my wonderful mother's day present... thank you husband and mommy!! My mom was generous enough to pitch in for my very own sewing machine. I LOVE this machine. I am finding that I have a genuine like...maybe even love?? for sewing. Hopefully I can learn much over the next few months and create some gifts for friends having babies, clothes for my kiddos, or other projects that I can find.

One project is to take pants that are too short for Jordan and turn them into capris or shorts that she can wear this summer. We got a lot of cute hand-me-downs from my sister, so I hope to stretch our usage of them! I had a playdate/sewing tutorial a few weeks ago with a friend who has been posting her crafty projects. She suggested a simple way of making capris. I followed her advice, and got some cute buttons to hand sew onto the bottom of the capris to add a personal touch. Here is my finished product!


Holly said...

What a great gift! You should check out this website, her quilts make me drool.

Here's another good one:

Kate said...

thanks holly! will definitely check those out!!

dave has his loves of shiny brass, i have mine now =)