Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday Confessionals: On My Affair


That's right... I confess I am having an affair.......

I am cheating on my BLOG!

with this....

 and this....
 and this...

That's right.  I haven't been blogging lately (er... for awhile...) because I am starting an Etsy / Facebook knitting business.  I'm having such a blast knitting for friends that I decided to start selling  my knitting projects.  I have a lot of custom orders already, so I'm spending all my spare time (and not so spare time... sorry house, you are also neglected during my affair) knitting! It's gotten to the point that I am so into knitting I can barely sleep at night because I'm thinking about knitting.

Slightly pathetic... but it makes me happy!

Do you have any confessions today?  Be sure to link up with Mamarazzi


Marcy Kay said...

Ohh exciting! If you need a photographer to swap for photos hit me up ;) lol. Good luck to you in your new business!

Unknown said...

Linked up with Mamarazzi and confessing myself. The knit stuff looks great! Good luck with your business!

Kate said...

Marcy- Where are you located? I might need a photographer once I have more products to take photos of... so far my husband will do, but that will only work for so long!

Mamarazzi said...

ooooh scandalous!! love it!! good luck on all of your knitting!

I am so late visiting everyone this week. So sorry, been a little under the weather and I am recovering at my folk's where the internet is so slow! But I really appreciate that you linked up your confessions, so thanks for that!!

MarcyKay said...

SO sorry I am just seeing your comment!! I am in San Antonio, If you are still pursuing that alley! Check out my latest blog post, there's photos of my daughter with crocheted items that I have swapped with shops for pictures of ;) You can contact me through there!